Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bedtime Stories

Somehow I have managed to go from reading bedtime stories to listening to them! 
Tonight Titan asked if he could read me a bedtime story.  Sure, I said.  I ran to grab my camera and quickly started recording.  Unfortunately, my memory card ran out before he finished the story but you get the idea.  I love it that he is starting to read, but I hate it that it means he is growing up. 

Here is a picture of him holding his first book.

He is very proud of it!  I am pretty sure that everyone we know has now heard him read it! 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Thousand Toys

With a thousand toys in the house, they decide to play in a box.
And no...they didn't get hurt or mad...amazing.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Our New House

I decided that if I actually wrote about this, and posted in on the web, where someone, anyone, could potentially see it that it might actually happen.  For the past 7 years Travis and I have been talking about building a house. I would say that it would be safe to say, that not even one week has gone by, that we haven’t talked about it.  Yet, after 7 years of talking about it, it still hasn’t happened.  I really don’t know why other than we are never on the same page.  It is either the location, the style, the amount of money, etc.  Right now we have come closer to ever to being, maybe not on the same page, but at least in the same book!  Right now the plan is to build onto our existing house.  The question is can we turn this….

Into…....................this?  I have my doubts but we will see. 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Yes, that was my child screaming through your dinner last night.

Last night we decided to have family "out to dinner" night.  Usually, it is Titan I have to worry about, not Liddy.  He is usually the one who I have to tell to be quite, sit still, sit down, etc. etc.  Liddy is usually my angel child, the one who sits there in her seat taking it all in.  She is always looking at everyone, smiling, and happy.  Not last night.  Last night Liddy decided to act like a total terror.  She wasn't happy, she wouldn't sit in her chair, she tossed a bowl on the floor, her squeal of displeasure could be heard throughout the restaurant.  I could go on and on but you get the idea.  You know the kid, the one, that before you have kids you think, my gosh can’t you control your kid!  And now that you have kids, you think, thank goodness that’s not my kid acting like that.  Yep, that was the one, her name is Liddy and she is very sorry you couldn’t enjoy your dinner last night, maybe next time.     

Friday, January 21, 2011

Snow Day!

Today marked snow day number 7!  I have to admit it is a special feeling knowing that the snow is falling and school is canceled and you don’t have to go out into the cold, cold world.  My morning was spend cuddling on the couch with my two favorite kids…that is until Titan wanted to play with his cars and Liddy found her doll baby.  Then they were over mom, and quite honestly, probably would have been delighted if I had said I had to go to work, and they were going to Carri’s!  But, for one moment, we were warm and cozy on the couch far, far away from the cold snow….The rest of the day I spent cleaning and the kids spent making messes!