Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Liddy's 6 month well check (okay, well 7 month well check)

Liddy went to the doctor yesterday. She officially weighs 16lbs. 12oz. and is 28 ¼ inches long. I thought I miss understood the doctor, but after clarifying, she is in the 80 percentile for her height and the 50th percentile for her weight. Now to get Travis to quit saying she is short and cubby!

She showed off for the doctor jabbering away, tried to crawl off the table, and stole his keys.  This time however, she didn't do so well with the shots.  Poor little girl screamed her head off!  I thought Titan might also cry as the nurse stuck her with the needle.  I hope he is always as caring and protective of his sister. 

Monday, May 17, 2010

Liddy's Big Week!

It has been busy in our household, from family pictures to T-Ball games to birthday parties it seems like we haven’t been home for a second. The busiest hands down has been Liddy. She is now sitting up all by herself and we officially have forward motion! Yes, instead of just going backwards she can move forward, but just a little and I don’t think it could be considered out and out crawling but more like stretching and pulling herself forward. I am sure it won’t be long till we can officially call it crawling! It makes me sad and happy at the same time. Where did my newborn go? Maybe most impressive, and a little disappointing, is she is now saying da da da, once I swear it was a full Daddy! Why is it always dada, not mama?! I mean really we are the ones who carry them for 9 months and give birth you think at least we could be their first word!

And last, but not least, Liddy attended her very first birthday party yesterday. Chloe turned one. Happy Birthday Chloe! It was the first time that Chloe, Bell, and Liddy had all been together at the same time so we decided to try and get a picture of the three of them. Well, let’s just say that it was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. I am not sure which was more funny the babies or the adults trying to get the babies to look at the camera and smile! I would love to post some pictures BUT, I lost my camera somewhere! So fingers crossed in the near future I will find it and post some adorable pictures of those 3 sweet little girls!

Monday, May 3, 2010

My Sleeping Boy

Somedays I feel like all I do is yell at him:
  Stop running in the house.
Be quite, you are going to wake up your sister. 
Pick up your toys,
your clothes,
your shoes...
Sit up!
Stand up!
Sit down!
Hurry up!
Be good!
Don't do that!
Eat your supper!
Get in the bathtub!
Then I see this sweet little sleeping face and I wish I would have said:

I love you!
You are wonderful!
You make me smile!
You are my world.
Goodnight my sweet boy!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

“Did our cows win?”

Today I watched the Derby with my three favorite people. Right before the race we each picked our horses. Titan picked two one for him and one for Liddy. Titan was excited and watched very closely. When it was over he asked Travis, “Daddy, did our cows win?” I was about to lose it…yes my little farm boy didn’t know the difference between a horse and a cow! After we finished laughing Travis explained to him that they were horses not cows, he said. “I know that!” Our cows, or horses, did not win. It is a good thing we weren’t betting on the race, because we would have lost everything!